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Web Hosting


Web hosting is a media which allow an individual to post website or a webpage onto the internet. These website or web webpage has to be placed or stored somewhere like photo and vedio, as it also require some space. So, the website are hosted or stored  in a special computer which is known as server. When the user are very enthusiastic to glance or view your website .They don't have to struggle much,it is an easy process ,just all they need to do is type your website address or domain into their browser.  Their computer directly connect to your server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the particular browser.

Most hosting companies likely  to require that you should have your own domain, in order to host with them and the hosting companies will help you to purchase domain name. In order to  publish your website  online your business website require a web hosting service.

😎Here are the list of 10 web hosting service

3.Moodle Hosting

4.Drupal Hosting



8.Inmotin Hosting

9.Global Hosting

If your mind changes to create a website,  just you need  email ID , account name and domain name.You  can create your own website through,,etc.But domain name has to be purchase with certain amount for a few year.Yes, you do get a free domain but not of your choice such as .com,.in,.xyz,.org,etc you can get domain as,,,etc.

If you want to glance or view a demo website, you can visit to


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